Saturday, March 5, 2011

Assignment-3 (Report on Questionnaire)

Branding Bangladesh : A new way to increase revenue

1. Introduction
2. Branding Bangladesh :
a) Branding Tourism spot:
i) Branding Cox’s Bazar
ii) Branding St. Martin’s Island
iii) Branding Sundarbaans
iv) Branding Sompur Bihar
v) Branding Kowa Kata Sea Beach

b) Branding events and culture
i) Pahela Baishakh
ii) International Mother Language day
iii) Branding Trival Life Styles
c) Branding Bangla Song

3. Marketing program to build Bangladesh Brand :
i) Personalizing Marketing
a) Experiential Marketing
b) One-to-one Marketing
ii) Service Strategy

4. Benefits from Branding Bangladesh
5. Analysis of the questionnaire
6. Findings of the Survey
7. Recommendations
8. Conclusion

Problem and prospect of Flower Marketing in Bangladesh

1. Introduction
2. Flower Market
3. Flower Marketing Strategy
i) Positioning
ii) Product Strategy
iii) Pricing Strategy
iv) Distribution Strategy
v) Promotion Strategy
4. Flower Marketing Problems
i) Lack of Storing facility
ii) Lack of transportation facility
iii) Inadequate funding
iv) Unstable demand
5. Prospects of Flower marketing in Bangladesh
-Job creation
Agricultural market growth
6. Analysis of the questionnaire
7. Findings of the Survey
8. Recommendations
9. Conclusion

A Comparative Study of counter bus service and local bus service

1. Introduction
2. Counter Bus Service :
i) Merits of Counter bus service
ii) Demerits of counter bus service
3. Local Bus Service
i) Merits of Counter bus service
ii)Demerits of counter bus service

4. Factor influence customer choice of counter Bus Service
5. Analysis of the questionnaire
6. Findings of the Survey
7. Recommendations
8. Conclusion

Customer preference of Retail Chain Shop

1. Introduction
2. Meaning of customer preference
3. Factors affecting customer preference of retail chain shop
4. Benefits customer get from retail chain shop
5. Analysis of the questionnaire
6. Findings of the Survey
7. Recommendations
8. Conclusion

Customer preference of Soft Drink

1. Introduction
2. Meaning of customer preference
3. Factors affecting customer preference of soft drink
4. Benefits customer get from soft drink
5. Analysis of the questionnaire
6. Findings of the Survey
7. Recommendations
8. Conclusion

A comparative study of Online Banking and Traditional Banking

1. Introduction
2. Traditional Banking :
i) Advantage of traditional banking
ii) Disadvantage of Traditional banking
3. Online Banking:
i) Advantage of Online Banking
ii) Disadvantage of Online banking
4. Factors influence customer choice of Banking service
5. Analysis of the questionnaire
6. Findings of the Survey
7. Recommendations
8. Conclusion

Readers Choice of Book : A study on Ekushay Book Fair

1. Introduction
2. Ekushay Book Fair
3. Factors affecting readers choice of Book
4. Objectives of Book Fair
5. Enhancing image of liberation war and language movement through book fair
6. Analysis of the questionnaire
7. Findings of the Survey
8. Recommendations
9. Conclusion

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