1. Introduction
In these days a number of commodities are getting faster market response with the help of marketing activities. One wonderful and beautiful category, which is full of fragrance, is also moving towards a strong branding and marketing initiative. This natural category is the category of flowers. Flower is the symbol of beauty and serenity. It is the only entity which enhances beauties of anyplace where used. Many songs, poetries and literatures have been written on the dedication of flower. The magnificent creation of god, flower can purify the heart of human being and encourage to be simple and calm like nature. Flowers have been regarded as an embodiment of human taste and aesthetics. This unique and unparalleled nature of flowers has given rise to its commercial transaction all over the world. Bangladesh is not far behind in promoting this agricultural product. Bangladesh is a country of cultural heritage. Flower is interrelated with this culture. People purchase flower in various occasion. With the rising demand of flower cultivation is increasing in this country. Thus, Bangladesh has ventured to enter this growing export market.
Today the trade of flowers is a promising trade and a number of florists have sprung up who sell flowers. No one could think of exporting Bangladeshi flowers even a few years ago. But this is a reality today and prosperous bonanza for tomorrow. In view of marketing prospect of flowers, a vast agricultural land has been turned into a flower growing area and the farmers are now in a position to make available any quantum of flowers for export according to the market requirements. In Bangladesh, the cultivation of flower for the purpose of commercial use was started in a large scale from the early 80’s. Till then the traditional flower marketing system is increasing, many shops have been established, but the scenery of flower business is very poor. The substantial amount of flower cultivation is now still limited to the area of panishara and its adjacent places in Jessore (Hossain and Rahman, 1994). Before 1983, the space in front of the High Court Mazar was the venue for the flower trade. Now it has spread too many other specific areas of the city .A little distance away from the Shahbagh road corner towards the west lays the Katabon area which has the biggest concentration of flowers shops in the city. Not only small-scale flower vendors are now widespread and visible at several shops with neatly displayed flowers in shelves are found throughout the country particularly in Dhaka and other division and few district cities.
The traders sell the flowers on the foot-path at Shahbag from 6:00am to 12.00 pm .The flowers are kept either at the trader’s homes or in the closets behind the foot-paths. Suppliers bring truckloads of flowers to Dhaka from Jessore, Savar and other places every morning. Some flowers are imported from India and Thailand.
The traders said some 20 types of flowers are available at Shahbagh .The local ones include rose ,Rajanigandha, Gada, Lotus, Gladiolus and Chandramallika, The imported ones are ones are Jarbera and Orchid.
In 1999 there were 530 flower shops in Dhaka city. At present the number of flower shops is more than a thousand throughout the country. Moreover, there are a good number of hawkers and none descript youngsters selling the flowers in different places of Dhaka and other big cities on temporary basis to maintain their livelihood.
A good number of flower shops are also established in district towns. At least 26 business enterprises and 6 associations are directly engaged in growing and export of flowers in Bangladesh . This number has increased now days.
Two decades have passed, but flower marketing cannot progress at expected rate. Many underdeveloped countries like Kenya earns more than 40 million US dollar from exporting flower The Daily Prothom Alo, 2010.On the other hand, Bangladesh has huge potentiality to export flower besides domestic production and sales.
Now the study will be developed for the purpose of drawing current condition, prospect and problem of flower marketing, On the other hand, Bangladesh has huge potentiality to export flower besides domestic production and sales. Based on prior research, it is found that there is huge potentiality in flower business in Bangladesh although several constraints are responsible to hinder the business. Now the study will be developed for the purpose of drawing current condition, prospect and problem of flower marketing in Bangladesh.
1.0 Literature review
Flower marketing is the marketing activities to create and increase the demand of flower in the market. As flower is the agricultural commodity and most of its production depends on nature, so the pre-determined marketing activities is not always prolific Developing marketing mix and enhancing promotional activities is the way to increase the profitability in flower business. Flower marketing is spreading its fragrance far and wide whether in the form of International Tulips or Orchids or national Roses or Lilies which are available in the market. Flower marketing and branded flowers and branded flower service providers are going because of people fascination to flower. The Internet is helping spread the net far and wide and is able to bring people closer and the gifting of flowers is helping people express their sentiment for one another, easily across countries.
Hossain & Rhaman 1994, stated that the intensity of cultivation and marketing of flower have been increasing. The most usual characteristics of flower marketing are the seasonal price variation of flower in Dhaka city. Finding of the study also suggested that, flower cultivation and marketing is more profitable and potential. But the flower trades have failed to bring about a change in taste and preferences of customer by introducing new types of flower.
The growing demand of flowers in the domestic as well as export market requires a concerted effort on the part of the government as well as in the private entrepreneurs to develop floriculture industry on scientific lines. Flower preservative, cool water, hydrates, ethylene, ventilation system, and transportation system are the critical factors help to store and market flower and these types of care of cut flower are essential for maintaining high quality. (Scoggins, 1998)
A study of Washington University (2000) stated that Growing Specialty cut flower for market can be a challenging but rewarding experience. Customer service consistency is a great factor in case of flower marketing. Besides product quality, presentation, place or distribution are also crucial for seller when market the flower.
Jagdeep Kapoor (2007) recommended that six elements are important in formulating an effective brand marketing strategy for flowers. These are sensitivity incorporated with packaging, increasing the tangible and intangible freshness of flower, proper arrangement of flower to increase perceived value, source from where the flower comes, maintenance of quality across the years and safe storage and transportation of flower because of the perishable nature of flowers. If all the elements, along with the normal marketing initiatives are taken care of, very strong brand can be built in the area of flower marketing.
Retail marketing is best for flower marketing. As flower producer is not able to sell the huge volume of flowers to consumers. Retailers take the initiative and organize a new business entity to carry on wholesaling. Members concentrate their purchases through the retailer co-operative. Profit is passed back to members in proportion to their purchases. Nonmember retailers can also buy through the co-operatives but do not share in the profit. A large number of producer co-operatives have been formed to conduct direct marketing of flower using overnight delivery service. (Reid ,2003
Murugesa 2008 found that flower industry is undergoing dramatic change. The domestic demand and export demand is increasing and production of cut flower is also increasing hand in hand. Chemical based floriculture is diminishing and organic cultivation process is encouraged. Colorful and verity flower has great demand if the shop environment is fair. some missing links are liable in producing and marketing of flower in domestic and international market. A value chain of flower has been developed as holistic, commercializes, standardized, scientific, packaging technology process under the study finding.
A case study on Cut Flower Export 2009 expressed that Colombia first introduced flower as a business item. Now Colombia is the 2nd largest producer of flower behind Holland. Colombia exported cut flower and earned 315 million dollar in 1992. Colombia sent 85% of the cut flower export in North America in 2004. Floriculture of Colombia account for 111,000 direct job and 94,000 jobs depend on industry and about 220 companies and 308 farms are included with the export function.
A desk report of The Daily Prothom Alo 2010, find out the hidden outcome due to revolution of flower production and exporting of cut flower in Kenya. Kenya is gradually becoming a top level exporter of flower around the world. In the last year, Kenya earned about 40 million US dollar from exporting cut flower.
A writings of Shykh Seraj (2007) stated that there is a huge potentiality of flower business in Bangladesh. It is potential market export market for China. Beijing is three hours away from Kunming, the international auction hall in China, and Bangladesh is only two hours. China would give more priority to the close-distanced areas, especially in cases like supplying a raw-product like flower. Furthermore, earning foreign currency is another major factor. China has learnt meanwhile that a prospective flower market has grown up in Bangladesh. They also received a positive response after sending different kinds of flowers over Bangladesh. If both country come forward in cultivation and marketing of flowers, a field of mutual benefit should be created. Focusing this, China is also interested in contract-based farming of some foreign flowers in our country, with which farmer and businessmen of Bangladesh would also be benefited.
Rahman et al 2004, conducted a study on “Some Aspect of Flower Marketing”, and found a great potentiality of flower business in Bangladesh, domestically and internationally. Although Bangladesh can not produce much flower like king exporter countries. It will clear from the evidence, Israel earned about 120 million US dollar from exporting of fresh cut flower in 1993 but on the other hand, Bangladesh earned only Tk. 1, 18,000 from exporting cut flower in 1992-93 fiscal year.
1.1 Objectives of the study
The objective of the study is to find out the present condition, prospects and problems of flower marketing in Bangladesh. The specific objectives are:
1. To evaluate the current flower marketing systems in Bangladesh.
2. To find potentiality of flower marketing in Bangladesh.
3. To explore the constraints of flower marketing.
4. To find out the most important factor of flower marketing.
5. To suggest marketing strategies and recommendation to promote the marketing of flower.
1.1.3 Significance of the study
The reasons for conducting this research is to find out the attitude and perception of the consumer towards flower marketing and what are the problems related to it and what the management of flower can do to improve it and gain or increase the market share.
1.2 Conceptual Framework
Conceptual framework basically describes the independent and dependent variable of the study that will influence the findings.
Dependent Variable
Potentiality and problems of flower marketing system in Dhaka city.
Independent Variable
Flower cultivation system
Farmer’s interest to grow flower
Opportunity for flower marketing
Cost of cultivation
Profit margin
Market demand
Supplier availability
Shop availability
Environment of flower shop
Promotion of flower business
Storage facility
Transportation facility
1.3 Model Development
For this particular purpose, the following model will work according to its own structure.
1.5 Methodology
Study approach: The study is explorative in the context of Bangladesh for the aspects focused mainly on flower. However, it can also be termed as descriptive and analytical.
Sample size: Sample sizes were approximately 200, which were selected for filling up the questionnaire.
Sample selection: As survey was to be conducted, an initial plan for stratified sampling was designed.
Data collection procedure: A detail questionnaire was formulated for collecting data. The questionnaire is distributed among randomly chosen respondent. Among the respondent the study is divided into two groups. One of them is consumers or user of flower and the other group is non-user of flower. The analysis is focused on four facts as the outcome. The outcomes are:
• Identify when people choose flower and what’s reason for choosing.
• Identify whether the current flower users are satisfied with the product.
• To see whether the flowers are effective.
• To find out what makes flower attractive to its user.
Sources of data: Majority of the study is based on primary data. However some secondary data source is used for background study.
Primary Data Primary data are collected by direct interview to the targeted respondents.
Secondary Data were collected from books, published documents, survey reports, online journals and article.
Analysis of Data: The analysis is done with both quantitative and qualitative procedure. MS-Excel is used as the software for quantitative analysis. And the qualitative analysis is done based on the quantitative findings.
Topic: Problems and prospect of flower marketing in Bangladesh
[All information provided would be kept confidential. Thus, we seek your honest opinion]
1. How long you involve in flower business?
a) 0-6 months b) 6-12 months c) 1-2 years d) 2-3 years e) 3 years or more
2. How much money is required for flower business?
a) 10000-20000 b) 20000-30000 c) 30000-40000 d) 40000-more
3. What type of flower customer purchase mainly?
a) Rojonigondha b) Beli c) Mary gold d) Rose e) Gladiolus
f) Others………………
4. In which event flowers sales are highest?
a) Valentine’s Day b) Pahela Baishak c) Ekushay February d) Pahela Falgun
e) Others……………………….
5. In which day flower sales is highest?
a) Saturday b) Sunday c) Monday d) Tuesday
e) Wednesday f) Thursday g) Friday
6. In which time of day flower sale is highest?
a) Morning b) Afternoon c) Evening d) Twilights e) Night
7. Do you think imported flowers have more market demand than local flowers?
a) Yes b) No
8. Who mainly purchase flower?
a) Male b) Female
9. Which group purchase flower most?
a) Children (0-12 years) b) Teenage (13-19 years)
c) Middle Age (20-35 years) d) senior people (40 years-more)
10. Why does a person purchase flowers?
a) For home decoration b) For giving gift c) For decoration of bride chamber
d) For car decoration e) others……………………………..
11. Is the demand for flowers increasing day by day?
a) Yes b) No
12. Who will be the major suppliers of flower?
a) Farmer b) Wholesaler c) Importer d) Distributor
13. The competition of flower market is intensive-
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
1 2 3 4 5
14. Is there any seasonal variation in flower business?
a) Yes b) No
15. The overall revenue from flower business is-
Very Low Low Moderate High Very High
1 2 3 4 5
16. Do you have any advertising program for increasing sales?
a) Yes b) No
17. How will you attract your local market?
18. Which sales strategy is effective in flower marketing?
a) Direct sales b) Indirect sales through agency
19. Do you get any financial support from banks?
a) Yes b) No
20. How you brand your flowers?
a) Attractive presentation b) Using various flower in a single bucket
c) Using quality wrapping paper d) Using artificial materials e) Using recyclable material
21. Does the branding of flowers increase its value?
a) Yes b) No
22. Which is the main problem of flower business?
a) Lack of storage facility b) Lack of transportation facility
c) Seasonal demand of flower d) Lack of promotional activity
23. Is there any forward linkage of raw flower?
a) Yes b) No
24. Do you have any co-operative for doing flower business?
a) Yes b) No
Thank you for your valuable input
1. “Building a Marketing Strategy,” A Report for the Center for Native Floriculture, The University of Queensland, November 2004, Australia.
2. Camacho 2006, “Developing the Domestic Market for Australian Native Flowers,” A Repot for the Center for Native Floriculture, The University of Queensland, May, Australia.
3. Case Study on “Colombia Flower Exporting,” available at http://nation-branding.info/2009/05/27/colombia-land-of-flowers-new-imagery-blooming-for-colombias-brand.
4. Dadlani 2004, “Cut Flower Production in India,” Division of Floriculture, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India.
5. Dr. P. Murugesa 2008, “Value Chain on Flower for Domestic and Export Market,” Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, August 28, India.
6. “Flower Marketing in Bangladesh,” August 22, 2009, available at http//:www.reports4mba.blogspot.com/2009/08/flower-marketing-in-bangladesh.html
7. Gautam et al 2007, “Sector Study on floriculture,” Advisory Support on Export Development of Priority Sectors of Nepal, World Trade Centre, June – September, Nepal.
8. Hossain & Rahman 1994, “The Potential of Flower Marketing in Dhaka City,” Bureau of Business Research, Dhaka University, May 30, Dhaka.
9. “Marketing Specialty Cut Flower,” 2000 Agriculture and Natural Fact Sheet – 520, Washington State University, available at http//:www.metrokc.gov/wsu-ce
10. Michael S. Reid 2003, “Trends In Flower Marketing and Postharvest Handling in the United States,” Department of Environmental Horticulture, University of California, USA
11. Rahman et al 2004, “Some Aspect of Flower Marketing: Bangladesh Perspective,” Journal of Business Studies, Vol. 25, No. 2, Dhaka University, December, Dhaka.
12. “Revolution of Flower Cultivation and Export,” The Daily Prothom Alo, March 05, 2010, Dhaka.
13. Sutton 2002, “Export Flower Industry: A Review of Recorded Statistics,” Flower export Council of Australia, December, Australia.
14. Scoggins 1998, “Field Production of Cut Flower,” Dept. of Horticulture Science, University of NC Sate, North Carolina Flower Growers’ Association, Vol. 43, No. 4, August, NCCFGA.
15. “The Cut Flower,” Quarterly Magazine, Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers’ Inc. Vol. 19, November 3, Summer 2007, USA.
Topic: Impact of Credit Card on personal financial security
[All information provided would be kept confidential. Thus, we seek your honest opinion.]
1. What is your profession?
a) Govt. job holder b) Private job holder c) Multinational company
d) Business e) others……………..
2. Your education level
a) Graduate b) Post Graduate c) Undergraduate d) Illiterate
3. Would you please mention your monthly expenditure level?
a) 10000-20000 b) 20000-30000 c) 30000-40000 d) 40000-50000 e) 50000-more
4. How much money you able to save per month?
5. Do you have any credit card?
a) Yes b) No
6. Do you like to have a credit card of more than one bank?
a) Yes b) No
7. For making any payment of purchase which option you like most?
a) Cash b) Shopping card/Debit card c) Credit card
8. Do you think after getting credit card you get more freedom to spend?
a) Yes b) No
9. What was your expenditure level before you get a credit card?
a) 10000-20000 b) 20000-30000 c) 30000-40000 d) 40000-50000 e) 50000-more
10. Use of credit card enhance your standard of living-
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
1 2 3 4 5
11. Credit card use encourage you to purchase product from luxurious shopping mall-
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
1 2 3 4 5
12. Do you able to pay the credit card dues with your fixed income?
a) Yes b) No
13. Do you think credit card take share from your past savings?
a) Yes b) No
14. How frequently you go for shopping now?
a) 1-2 times per week b) 2-3 times per week c) 3-4 times per week d) As previous
15. How much money you able to save now?
a) 1000-2000 b) 2000-3000 c) 3000-4000 d) 4000-5000 e) 5000-more
16. Credit card creates an extra pressure on your income?
a) Yes b) No
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